Recipe Inspiration | Tortilla Cups with Chicken and Corn Salsa

Tortilla Cups with Chicken and Corn Salsa


1.25kg chicken strips

200mls ZoOSh BBQ Marinade & Basting Sauce

10 × 20cm soft tortillas

Spray oil

3 cobs of corn, barbecued then kernels removed

2 large avocado, chopped

1 large red pepper, chopped

3 spring onions, finely chopped

1 cup coriander leaves, roughly chopped

Juice of 2 limes

200mls ZoOSh Premium Mayonnaise

Lime cheeks for serving


  1. COMBINE the chicken with the ZoOSh BBQ Marinade & Basting Sauce for 2 hours or overnight.
  2. SOFTEN the tortillas in the microwave and spray with oil. Mould the tortillas over an upturned 6 x 1 cup Texas muffin pan. Bake in a moderate oven for 10-12 minutes or until crisp and golden. Cool on the pan then carefully remove and revert. Repeat with the remaining tortillas to make 10.
  3. REMOVE the chicken from the marinade and char grill the strips until cooked through. Keep warm.
  4. COMBINE the corn, avocado, capsicum, spring onions, coriander and lime juice. Place a spoonful of mayo into the base of each tortilla cup. Spoon in the salsa then top with chicken. Serve immediately with lime cheeks.