Recipe Inspiration | Satay Chicken and Vegetable Braise

Satay Chicken and Vegetable Braise

Prep time: 30 Min | Prep time: 10


60ml olive oil

200g chopped onion

1.25kg chicken thighs, chopped

2 teaspoons curry powder

500g zucchini, chopped

500g red capsicum, chopped

500ml ZoOSh Satay Sauce

500ml coconut milk

200g snow peas or peas

Rice, for serving

Toasted sesame seeds, for sprinkling


  1. HEAT a little oil in a large pan and sauté the onion until tender, remove. Add the remaining oil and stir fry the chicken in batches until browned.
  2. STIR through curry powder and cook until fragrant then add the cooked onion, zucchini, capsicum, Satay Sauce and coconut milk. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes or until chicken is cooked.
  3. ADD the snow peas and cook for 2-4 minutes or until just tender. Serve with rice, sprinkled with sesame seeds. Serve immediately.